
Department for Criminal Prosecution

Update time 2018-12-03 15:27
Surname, Name
Krušna Tomas
Chief Prosecutor
370 5 266 2426370 5 266 2426
Čekelienė Laima
National member for EUROJUST
Deputy Chief Prosecutor
370 5 266 2311370 5 266 2311

      E-mail addresses of employees are formed according to the following scheme: name.surname@prokuraturos.lt

* Table showing the operational territory of the prosecutors dealing with the sector of international legal cooperation in criminal matters.

Prosecutor’s name
Responsible for Legal Cooperation with the following Countries
Linevaitė Ina
Australia, Belarus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Norway, Finland, Sweden
Mejerienė Meilutė
Austria, Georgia, France, Switzerland, Uzbekistan, Germany
Požarskienė Rozita
Ireland, Spain, Israel, United States of America, United Kingdom, Canada, Poland
Truncienė Ieva
Other countries
Tunkevičienė Rasa
Belgium, Italy, Russia, the Netherlands, Estonia, Ukraine